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Head Center

May 15, 20243 min read

Head Center

The head center asks questions to seek answers, to figure things out and is also the center to create possibilities with questions and inspiration. Depending on your chart either have access to this energy where you are the source (defined), or it’s fluid (open center) which means it can change or be influenced by the environment, situation, or what you read and see which you take and amplify them.

In business your head center loves:

  • Routines that inspire and create thoughts of possibility

  • Time to process thoughts and figure things out

  • Questions that trigger thoughts and dreams

When you have your head center defined (coloured in)

With a defined head center, you have access to your own inspiration, and can create questions that lead to possibilities for you and your business. And like a switch you forget about the things that aren’t important to be figured out right now and move onto the ones that are important.

At high expression you with a defined head:

  • Know answers will come to you and you don’t have that “mental” pressure to figure it out right now

  • You know the right questions to ask to create possibilities

  • You have access to inspiration (meaning you can sit there and ideas can come to you)

  • You have a routine you do that allows you to become inspired for the day

At low expression you with an defined head:

  • You pursue to figure out everything working against your strategy and authority

  • You keep asking the questions that get you lost in the details that aren’t meaningful and aligned to you

When you have an Open Center (not coloured in) 

An open head center is always taking other people's ideas, thoughts, inspirations, questions, curiosity, beliefs and amplifying them/explore, take it in and try to use it as your own.

If you have an Open center it’s important to have a morning routine that allows you to be inspired, and set intentions before the rest of the day fills your head with pressure, and ideas that aren’t yours.

Note that people with open head centers feel they’re always under pressure to figure things out, which can be used to your advantage if you use your strategy and authority to determine which things are the right ones to figure out.

At high expression with an open Head:

  • You use your authority in what you need to figure out and what you don’t

  • You trust that you know what you need to know, you’ll know the rest when you need to

  • You have a routine that creates inspiration, and sets intentions

  • You leverage other people’s ideas or things around you and  make it your own

At low expression with an open Head:

  • You’re easily distracted to figure out and pursue things that’ aren’t aligned

  • You put all your energy into figuring things out that is not aligned with your strengths

  • You have shiny object syndrome

  • You get distracted from your work easily as other thoughts come in

Remember, having your energy center defined or open is not a good or bad thing, you just experience the energy differently. Understanding how the center works and when you’re in high or low expression helps you manage the things you do to achieve more high state expressions.

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