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Spleen Center

June 26, 20242 min read

The Spleen center is your intuition center where you just know or feel things in the moment. This also is a center that holds some core fears. Alot of the Spleen center is about staying safe, and having a foundation of predictability to help this energy center to create space.

In Business the Spleen center loves:

  • Being in environments that strengthen your intuition

  • Leaning into fear to grow from it

  • Creating predictability and safety as an anchor 

When you have your Spleen is Defined (coloured in) 

If your Spleen is defined, this means you have access to your own intuitive decisions. You know what you know and it’s not easily influenced by the outside world or people. However, because you have access to this, you can get stuck in fear easier depending on what triggers you (money, being accepted by people, reputation etc…)

At high expression with a Defined Spleen center:

  • You aren’t stubborn to your own decisions or intuitions you can take in other’s opinions or information

  • You realize you have fear but you can walk with fear instead of run away from it

  • You know the timing to get things done, or when and what to say based on the moment or situation

At low expression with a Defined Spleen Center:

  • You hold onto fear and it paralyzes you to do your next “thing” because of past experiences

  • You’re too insensitive to others around you 

  • You’re stubborn to the point where you won’t allow consideration of other information or opinions

When you have your Spleen is Open (coloured in) 

When your Spleen is open this means your intuition is fluid depending on the environment and people around you. Having an open spleen allows you to be intuitive to the person or environment where you know what to say in that moment or how to act in that environment.

At high expression with a Open Spleen center:

  • You deeply listen to people and in the moment you know what to say

  • You allow fear from past experiences process and take the next action you need to

  • You feel into the moment and use your ability to expand others who are in fear

At low expression with a Open Spleen Center:

  • You allow other people’s fears distort your intuition and your wisdom

  • You hold onto things longer than you should (fear, failures, frustration)

  • You are motivated by fear (news, bad trends, what others say etc…)

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